The Democratic Party

of Hood County, Texas

Who Are We?

May 30, 2018

  • Are we the people that stand for white supremacy?

Or are we the people that rise up against it?

  • Are we the people that make laws so that certain children feel their mere existence is so dangerous that we must legislate what bathroom they use?

Or are we the people that make all children feel self-confident and included in school?

  • Are we the people that invoke policies that separate immigrant children from their parents?

Or are we the people that take in refugees; providing them housing, community, and kindness?


  • Are we the people who believe that a child must have provoked the police officer causing his death?

Or are we the people that mourn with that child’s mother at the senseless loss of life?

  • Are we the people who place more value on gun rights then a human life?

Or are we the people that call Congress for gun reform after the latest mass shooting?

  • Are we the people who ask our leaders do what is best for only me and the people like me?

Or are we the people that demand leaders do what is best for our entire country?

  • Are we the people that don’t care if some Americans die because of their inability to pay?

Or are we the people who believe all Americans should have access to medical care?


  • Are we the people that provide opportunity only to those born into the “right” circumstances?

Or are we the people that provide opportunity to all?

  • Are we the villains in the future history books?

Or are we the heroes that fight to defeat those villains?

Who are we? The answer to this question starts with…who are you?


** Further Reading: **

What It Means To Be a Progressive

What Do American Values Mean to You?

All photos courtesy of

  1. Thumbnail Photo by Tiko Giorgadze
  2. Banner Photo by Daniel McCullough
  3. Lady Liberty Photo by BICAD MEDIA
  4. Doctors Photo by Piron Guillaume
  5. Crowd Photo by Jade Masri
